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Catalog No.



From Harper's Weekly - A Journal of Civilization, February 14, 1863, an engraving, "The Battle of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Centre of the Army On 26 January 1863," 17" X 22"



From Harper's Weekly - A Journal of Civilization, September 12, 1863, an engraving, "View of Chattanooga, Tennessee, from the North Side of the Tennessee River," 17" x 22"



From Harper's Weekly - A Journal of Civilization, October 24, 1863, front cover showing "The War In East Tennessee, Reception of General Burnside By the Unionists of Knoxville," 17" x 22"



From Harper's Weekly - A Journal of Civilization, November 7, 1863, front cover showing "The Army of the Cumberland--A Troop Train Passing Through the Big Cut of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad," 17" x 22"



From Harper's Weekly - A Journal of Civilization, November 1863, from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War, "Official Map Illustrating the Siege of Knoxville," 17" x 22"

Note: This is essentially a simpler version of the map from the Civil War Atlas, CAR-MAP-164. A copy of that map can be ordered from the map catalog.



From Harper's Weekly - A Journal of Civilization, a very interesting article about Admiral David G. Farragut from the front and second pages of the August 29, 1863 issue, with large drawing of Admiral Farragut; 17" x 22" Copies of this poster are also available at the Farragut Folklife Museum in the Town Hall in Farragut, TN.



From Harper's Weekly - A Journal of Civilization, the drawing of Admiral Farragut from the article above, w/o the article, and with the logo of The Town of Farragut, TN, done in a antique-looking brown tone; 17" x 22" Copies of this poster are also available at the Farragut Folklife Museum in the Town Hall in Farragut, TN.



Assault on Fort Sanders; A somewhat romanticized pictorial of the battle by Kurz & Allison, 1891, from a copy at the Library of Congress; 17"x22".



Assault on Fort Sanders; A somewhat romanticized pictorial of the battle by Kurz & Allison, 1891, from a copy at the Library of Congress; 8"x10".



Longstreet's Assault on Fort Sanders; from Harper's Weekly, 1896, from an original copy, 17"x22".



Longstreet's Assault on Fort Sanders; from Harper's Weekly, 1896, from an original copy, 8"x10".



Orlando Poe (left) & Orville Babcock (right) on the Battlefield of Fort Sanders, 1864, from the Library of Congress, 8"x10".



The Battle of Chattanooga 1863; published by L. Prang & Co., 1885, from the Library of Congress, 17"x22".



The Battle of Chattanooga 1863; published by L. Prang & Co., 1885, from the Library of Congress, 8"x10".



Battle of Chattanooga 1863; published by L. Prang & Co., 1880, from the Library of Congress, 17"x22".



Battle of Chattanooga 1863; published by L. Prang & Co., 1880, from the Library of Congress, 8"x10".



Battle of Chattanooga 1863; published by Kurz & Allison, 1888, from the Library of Congress, 17"x22".



Battle of Chattanooga 1863; published by Kurz & Allison, 1888, from the Library of Congress, 8"x10".



Battle of Chickamauga; published by Kurz & Allison, 1890, from the Library of Congress, 17"x22".



Battle of Chickamauga; published by Kurz & Allison, 1890, from the Library of Congress, 17"x22".



The Battle of Pittsburg [Landing]; published by Currier & Ives, 1862, from the Library of Congress, 17"x22".



The Battle of Pittsburg [Landing]; published by Currier & Ives, 1862, from the Library of Congress, 8"x10".



Lookout Mountain from the Federal Works on Chattanooga Creek;  Harper's Weekly, 1894, from and original, 17"x22".



Lookout Mountain from the Federal Works on Chattanooga Creek;  Harper's Weekly, 1894, from and original, 8"x10".



Storming and Capture of Lookout Mountain;  from the Library of Congress, 17"x22".



Storming and Capture of Lookout Mountain;  from the Library of Congress, 8"x10".



Lookout Mountain, Tennessee; Currier & Ives,  1866, from the Library of Congress, 17"x22".



Lookout Mountain, Tennessee;  Currier & Ives,  1866, from the Library of Congress, 8"x10".



Battle of Lookout Mountain; published by Kurz & Allison, 1889, from the Library of Congress, 17"x22".



Battle of Lookout Mountain; published by Kurz & Allison, 1889, from the Library of Congress, 8"x10".



Missionary Ridge Tenn, Nov 25 1863; a battlefield sketch by Alfred R. Waud, 1863, from the Library of Congress, 17"x22".



Missionary Ridge Tenn, Nov 25 1863; a battlefield sketch by Alfred R. Waud, 1863, from the Library of Congress, 8"x10".



Battle of Mission [Missionary] Ridge, Nov 25th 1863; Cosack & Co., 1886, from the Library of Congress, 17"x22".



Battle of Mission [Missionary] Ridge, Nov 25th 1863; Cosack & Co., 1886, from the Library of Congress, 8"x10".



Battle of Missionary Ridge; Kurz & Allison, 1886, from the Library of Congress, 17"x22".



Battle of Missionary Ridge; Kurz & Allison, 1886, from the Library of Congress, 8"x10".



Capitol of Tennessee at Nashville; A. Little, H.P. Whinnery, 1880, from the Library of Congress, 17"x22".



Capitol of Tennessee at Nashville; A. Little, H.P. Whinnery, 1880, from the Library of Congress, 8"x10".



General View of the City of Nashville; Harper's Weekly,  1862, an engraving of a lithograph by John F. Wagner, 1855 (Harper's replaced the cows in the foreground of Wagner's print with shrubs), from the Library of Congress, 17"x22".



General View of the City of Nashville; Harper's Weekly,  1862, an  engraving of a lithograph by John F. Wagner, 1855 (Harper's replaced the cows in the foreground of Wagner's print with shrubs), from the Library of Congress, 8"x10".


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The entire contents of this page copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2013 Charles A. Reeves, Jr.

This page last updated October 6, 2013.